Churchill show comedian Mannerson Oduor Ochieng, popularly known by his stage name as Akuku Danger, has been taken ill.
According to a close friend Sandra Dacha, an actress and digital content creator, the comedian is currently admitted in the ICU fighting for his life.
In a statement, Dacha asked Kenyans to keep the comedian in their prayers saying the sickness had taken a toll on him.
"Akuku Danger my babe is seriously sick. He is currently in the ICU. Your prayer will go a long way," Dacha stated.
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It is not clear yet what is ailing the comedian.
Dacha at the same time appeared to suggest that the comedian could be footing his medical bills himself after she said hospitals are no longer allowing insurances.
With the cost of ICU being extremely high, the comedian couldĀ be spending lots of money to maintain his health.
Nevertheless, a host of comedians have come out to wish him a quick recovery and even express their support in this difficult moment.
Fellow comedian. MCA Tricky reacted to the news by saying: "Oooh, get well Akuku brother".
Terrence Creative also weighed in and shared an image of him with the comedian and captioned; "Get well soon bro, be strong Akuku Danger. Keep my bro in prayer".
Akuku Danger was last active on his Instagram page five days ago, an indicator that the sickness could have pinned him down just recently.