Editor's Review

"You cannot fight the media and win. And it does not matter whether you are right or right."

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has urged Trade and Investments Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria to stop fighting the media.

In a statement on Tuesday, June 20, Ngunyi told CS Kuria that he cannot manage to win fighting the media and it does not matter if he is right or wrong.

“My Friend Moses Kuria: You cannot fight the media and win. And it does not matter whether you are right or right,” he tweeted.

CS Kuria has been on the spot following his remarks on the Nation Media Group (NMG). 

Speaking on Sunday, June 18, Kuria warned government agencies against using the NMG to advertise saying whoever will advertise with the company will be shown the door.

"Nation Media, muamue kama nyinyi ni gazeti, broadcasting house, media house ama chama cha upinzani. Na mimi nimesema, Kutoka kesho, ata si kutoka kesho. Kutoka leo idara yoyote ya serikali ntaona imeweka advertisement kwa Nation Media, mjihesabu mko nyumbani," he said.

File image of CS Moses Kuria.

CS Kuria has come under sharp criticism from media stakeholders who termed his remarks as the 'most extreme' attack of media in the last thirty years.

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba in a statement on Monday also called out CS Kuria adding that politicians must respect the freedom of the press.

"Freedom of the Press is one of the Fundamental principles of governance achieved through the second liberation in the Country. We are only to blame if we cannot uphold what our forefathers painfully fought for.

"We must, at whatever price, defend the constitution of Kenya and ensure that the independence of parliament and freedom of the press is not Eroded to favour individuals," the legislator stated.