Editor's Review

The new coalition will push for the "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue-sharing formula.

A section of Mt Kenya leaders led by Narc Kenya Party leader Martha Karua have launched a new political coalition dubbed the Haki Coalition.

The coalition, which was unveiled during the Limuru III summit on Friday 17 May, aims to push for the "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue-sharing formula.

The meeting was attended by a number of Mt Kenya leaders including Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, former Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi, and Embakasi West MP Mark Mwenje.

Others were Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, Starehe MP Amos Mwago, former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu, and vocal lawyer Ndegwa Njiru.

Speaking during the meeting, Karua said the allocation of public funds must follow the formula and vowed to reject any formula that does not recognize population. 

“The allocation of national resources must be equitable and guided by one man one vote one shilling policy,” said Karua.

Limuru III meeting at the Jumuia conference in Limuru.

The Narc Kenya party leader also said they would continue to highlight all issues that negatively affect the people of Mt Kenya.

The leaders agreed to unite under the Haki Coalition to protect the interests of Mt Kenya and urged like-minded individuals to join the movement.

“We the people of the region have resolved that we shall unite under one umbrella movement to safeguard our interests and to speak as one mountain with one voice.

“Therefore, we unite to resist oppression and invite all like-minded to join this movement,” said Muriithi.

Waituti on his part revealed that he dumped UDA and apologized to Mt Kenya people for campaigning for the President William Ruto-led party.

“I was among those who campaigned for UDA, and as a result, our people were lied to. We were duped. I contributed to the predicaments the Mt Kenya region and the country is facing. I want to offer my heartfelt apologies to the people of Mt Kenya. I admit to my mistakes and it will never happen again I was also lied to,” Waititu stated.