Editor's Review

“We call on the Inspector General of Police to rein in on his officers by ensuring that journalists are protected and not targeted for harassment."

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has condemned the arbitrary arrests and attacks on journalists by police officers while covering protests in Nairobi Central Business District (CBD). 

In a statement on Tuesday, June 18 MCK CEO David Omwoyo said police officers resorted to harassing and arresting journalists during the protests despite them having the MCK badges and press jackets.

“The Council is dismayed that while journalists were relying on police to provide them with security in the line of duty, the security officers resorted to manhandling, harassing, arresting, and assaulting them. This is despite the fact that the journalists were well identified with MCK press badges and press jackets,” read the statement in part.

Omwoyo noted that the police arrested Joe Muhia of the Associated Press (AP) but he was later released from custody after being assaulted.

Standard Media Group’s Justice Mwangi Macharia was arrested and violently hauled out of a moving police motor vehicle, sustaining physical injuries.

File image of MCK CEO David Omwoyo

Others who were injured during the protests were Sammy Kimatu of Taifa Leo and Maureen Mureithi of NTV.

“Nation Media Group's Taifa Leo reporter Sammy Kimatu was also thrown out of a moving police Land Rover, sustained injuries, and is currently receiving treatment. Maureen Murethi (NTV) has also been hospitalized after police aimed a canister at her as she covered the protests,” Omwoyo stated.

The MCK CEO called on the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to limit police officers from arresting and assaulting journalists.

“We call on the Inspector General of Police to rein in on his officers by ensuring that journalists are protected and not targeted for harassment while performing their duties in any working environment,” Omwoyo added.