Editor's Review

“We also note with concern the intention to divert the public attention from the real issues by purporting to adjust the salaries of senior state officers."

The Azimio la Umoja coalition has instructed elected leaders to reject the salary increase proposed by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

Speaking on Wednesday, July 3, Azimio co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka said the salary increase of senior government officials, MPs, MCAs, and Senators is aimed at diverting the public attention from real issues.

“We also note with concern the intention to divert the public attention from the real issues by purporting to adjust the salaries of senior state officers, members of parliament, members of county assemblies, and governors upwards at a time when the country’s economy is not doing well. We urge our members to reject the salary increment,” said Kalonzo.

In a gazette notice, SRC increased National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula 's monthly salary to Sh1,208,362, up from Sh1,185,327, while his Senate counterpart Amason Kingi’s monthly pay was increased to Sh1,208,362.

Majority and minority leaders of both Houses will receive a new monthly salary of Sh800,019, up from Sh784,768 while MPs’ and senators’ salaries were raised to Sh739,600, up from Sh725,502.

Collage image of National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula and MPs during a sitting.

SRC raised Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi’s monthly pay to Sh990,000, up from Sh957,000.

Other CSs will also receive a monthly salary of Sh990,000, up from Sh957,000, while principal secretaries will receive a monthly pay of Sh 819,844, up from Sh792,519.

The commission raised governors’ monthly pay from Sh957,000 to Sh990,000, while all MCAs had their salaries increased to Sh164,588 per month.

Further the commission increased the salaries for Police Inspector General Japhet Koome, National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director Noordin Haji, Director of DCI Amin Mohamed, and their deputies.