Editor's Review

"You have become more military than the military themselves," MP Caleb Amisi.

Environment Cabinet Secretary nominee Aden Duale has been put on the spot by the Parliament vetting committee over his leadership style while serving in the Ministry of Defence.

Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Amisi, a member of the committee, claimed on Friday, August 2, that Duale had instilled fear in the military.

"In fact, in the public domain, it can be true or not true and which if not true I will withdraw, is that the military has feared you (Duale). You have become more military than the military themselves. Is it true, and why did the military fear you?" Amisi posed.

However, reacting to the same, the former Defence CS refuted the claims by the lawmaker and asserted that it gave him bad publicity.

Duale affirmed that perhaps it was his style of leadership, which he also said he was to take into his new role at the Ministry of Environment.

MP Caleb Amisi (left) is among members of the vetting committee.

"Let me say it gave me a lot of bad publicity but when you serve in a public office, that is part of life. I don't think the rank and the leadership of the Defence Ministry fear me. Maybe my style. And I will take the same style to the Ministry of Environment," Duale remarked.

The former CS declared that, if approved by parliament, he would tackle land grabbing, especially of forest land.

"I want to categorically without fear of contradiction say that if this House approves me, in the first 30 days, working with the Minister for Lands and other government agencies, a number of titles, including, and belonging to big people in government, some of them Members of Parliament, will be revoked,” Duale affirmed.