Editor's Review

Anti-riot police officers dispersed tear gas canisters to prevent any gatherings.

The Nane Nane protests kicked off at the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) early Thursday, August 8, as a number of protestors took to the streets to demonstrate.

In photos and videos seen by Nairobileo.co.ke, anti-riot police officers were heavily deployed in the area to contain the protests.

The officers patrolled the city streets with police vehicles and dispersed tear gas canisters to prevent any gatherings.

A tear gas canister dispersed in Nairobi CBD.

This led to a number of protestors scampering to safety as the officers dispersed the canisters at any form of gathering.

Members of the press who were covering the scenes were also forced to flee to safety as some of the tear gas canisters landed close to them.

Police patrolling Nairobi CBD.

Many shops in the area remained closed and streets were deserted, with a few boda boda operators spotted around.

This comes even as President William Ruto on Wednesday called on Kenyans to maintain peace and avoid violent demonstrations.

Anti-riot police officers on the streets.

"We are a country that believes in peace. We do not want chaos in our nation Kenya. We do not want demonstrations that bring death and loss of property, we want peace," the president remarked.

At the same time, acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli cautioned the public that criminals were planning to infiltrate the protests.

He, however, noted that adequate security personnel had been deployed but advised members of the public to take extra caution while in crowded areas.