The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has launched investigations at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) following the irregular inclusion of over 200 students on the graduation list.
Speaking to the media on Monday, November 25, EACC Spokesperson Eric Ngumbi announced that its officers from the regional office had received information about academic fraud during the October graduation ceremony.
According to Ngumbi, over 200 students failed to take required tests and bribed officials to include them in the graduation list.
Consequently, he called on the university to undertake internal investigations and take remedial action.
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"It is alleged that six university officials received bribes to facilitate the graduation of over 200 unqualified students," he stated.
"Instead of sitting for supplementary examinations, the students colluded with the officials to bribe their way into the graduation list.
Meanwhile, the official also noted that there were similar cases in 18 universities involving senior officials including vice-chancellors.
He also revealed that various officials in key universities were being investigated for misappropriation of funds.
"What is emerging from reports received from 18 universities, it is clear that most of these problems are caused by serious leadership and governance problems," the official added.