President William Ruto on Tuesday, May 28 held a phonecall conversation with Governors Abdulswamad Shariff, Gideon Mung’aro, and Andrew Mwadime over the ban of muguka in their counties.
In a statement, Ruto said the three governors agreed to participate in a stakeholder meeting that will be convened by the Ministry of Agriculture.
“I have engaged the governors of Mombasa, Kilifi, and Taita-Taveta counties on their concerns and challenges in the sale of muguka.
“Governors Abulswamad Nassir, Gideon Mungaro and Governor Mwadime have agreed to participate in a meeting of all stakeholders to be convened by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock this week as was agreed with the leadership of Embu County on Monday,” said Ruto.
The Head of State also noted that he agreed with the three county bosses to convene a meeting of political leaders of the affected counties next week.
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Ruto on Monday night met the leadership of Embu County led by Governor Cecily Mbarire following the ban of Muguka in the coastal counties.
Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi who also attended the meeting pointed out that Mũgũka, a variety of Miraa, is a scheduled crop in accordance with the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.
"With Mũgũka having been recognised by national legislation, any other laws or order that contradicts national legislation is null and void,” a statement from State House read in part.
Earlier the Embu High Court issued a conservatory order suspending the ban of Muguka in Mombasa, Taita Taveta, and Kilifi counties.
Justice Lucy Njuguna said the suspension will remain in place until July 8, 2024 when the application filed by the Embu County Assembly and the Kutheremeka Muguka Sacco Society Limited will be heard.