Editor's Review

"Let those people not lie to you. Don't be deceived," Mutahi Kahiga.

Tempers flared on Sunday, June 9, during a church service in Nyeri town after Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen clashed with Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga over the Finance Bill 2024. 

A seemingly enraged Kahiga took to the altar at the AIPCA Ngangarithi Church to oppose some of the proposals in the bill, especially the motor vehicle tax. 

The county boss asserted that the taxes were punitive maintaining that the Finance Bill 2024 was not approved by the people.

"Let those people not lie to you. Don't be deceived. The Finance you're proposing to increase tax is not approved by the people. Why do you want to tax these vehicles and yet you did help anyone to buy them? And you tell us to keep quiet. We will speak," Governor Kahiga remarked.

Mutahi Kahiga and Kipchumba Murkomen.

However, when he rose to speak, CS Murkomen did not mince his words as he took the governor head-on saying he was disappointed with him. 

"Governor I'm disappointed with you. I have heard you governor say they won't pay taxes and we should not raise taxes. But governor if you don't want us to raise taxes, I have one request. Call your people we stop some road projects so that we don't raise taxes," Murkomen remarked.

The former lawmaker urged the county boss to stop inciting the people asking him to lead by example in removing all the taxes. 

"Don't incite the people not to pay taxes and yet they are ready to pay provided we build the roads that they want. If you say the people are being overburdened by taxes, then lead by example. Remove the taxes you have imposed on the residents of this town," Murkomen added.

The Finance Bill 2024 proposes a 2.5 percent motor circulation tax on vehicle value, payable when obtaining insurance coverage which is capped at Sh100,000 and a minimum of Sh5,000.