Editor's Review

"Don't shoot the messenger." 

Journalists on Wednesday, July 24, took to the streets to protest against police brutality and threats to shut down media houses. 

In Nairobi's Central Business District (CBD), the journalists turned up in large numbers with vuvuzelas, Kenyan flags, and placards as they marched across the streets.

The peaceful protests attracted media personalities from various local media firms as well as freelancers, who turned out in large numbers and filled the city with chanting and whistling.

Journalists protest in Nairobi CBD.

As they marched through the city, there was no interference from the security apparatus with a section of police officers providing security.  

Some of the placards carried by the journalists read "Don't shoot the messenger" and others "Don't crush the messenger".

Another one read, "We demand respect and declare journalists lives matter because we are not criminals."

In unison, journalists demanded the prosecution of rouge police officers for crimes against journalists and an end to media censorship. 

Journalists also demanded an end to censorship of media and the immediate payment of all pending bills owed to media houses. 

Journalists march across a street in Nairobi.

The protests come after a journalist was shot in Nakuru while covering the recent anti-government protests.

Journalists from different media houses converged at Nairobi CBD. 

Following the incident, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Renson Ingonga noted on Tuesday that he had directed the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) to probe the matter.

"I have directed IPOA to investigate the shooting of Catherine Njeri Wariuki, a Kameme FM and TV reporter, which allegedly occurred within Nakuru County on July 16, 2024," the DPP remarked.

Nairobi Leo MD Martin Wachira and TV 47 Journalists Lizah Mutuk during journalists' protests in Nairobi CBD. 

Veteran journalist Macharia Gaitho was recently abducted inside the Karen police station before police released him and said it was a case of mistaken identity. 

Journalists protest in Nairobi. 

Journalists protest in Nairobi. 

Journalists protest in Nairobi.