Editor's Review

The embassy announced that its offices will be closed on Thursday, August 8.

The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi has warned American citizens over possible protests in the country on Thursday, August 8.

In a statement, the embassy noted that even protests that may seem peaceful may turn violent at any moment, adding the law enforcement agencies have used tear gas and live ammunition in the past.

"Protests are expected to occur in Kenya on August 8. Even protests that seem peaceful can turn violent at any moment. Law enforcement has used water cannons, tear gas, and in some cases live ammunition in response to past protests," read part of the statement.

It further noted that it had received reports of opportunistic crimes committed at the periphery of the protests, including robberies and assaults.

The embassy notified the American citizens that crowds have blocked roads before and that traffic disruption is possible.

File image of the US Embassy.

It advised them to avoid crowds and demonstration areas, keep doors locked and windows rolled up while in a vehicle, notify friends and family of their whereabouts and safety, review their personal security plans, and carry a copy of their U.S. passport with a current Kenyan visa.

The embassy also notified the Americans to be aware of their surroundings and monitor the local media for updates.

It further announced that its offices will be closed on Thursday, August 8, out of abundance of caution.

"Out of an abundance of caution, the Consular Section will be closed August 8 for routine services. American citizens should [email protected] in case of emergency," the embassy stated.

The alert comes ahead of the protests dubbed 'Nane Nane' march.