Editor's Review

"And now ODM is not even in the opposition."

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has claimed that the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party is no longer in opposition.

Speaking during a church service in Kakamega on Sunday, August 11, Barasa said that the Raila Odinga-led party was now in government.

The governor further maintained that, as the chairman of ODM in Kakamega, he was determined to make sure that the party was strengthened.

"We are going to make sure we strengthen our party. And now ODM is not even in the opposition, it is in government and working with government," Barasa stated.

His remarks come even after the newly appointed National Assembly Minority Leader Junet Mohamed maintained that ODM was still in opposition.

ODM leader Raila Odinga.

Speaking on July 29, Junet said that even though some of the party's members joined the government, ODM was still going to represent the interests of the citizens and will oppose the government if it does not work efficiently.

"Some of our ODM members have joined the government; four members. And others will join. But as ODM Members of Parliament, we are still in the party. We are representing the citizens, and we will do our work the way they desire," Junet stated.

Meanwhile, following the appointment of some of its members to the cabinet, the party has already made changes to its leadership.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga was proposed as the National Chairperson, while governors Simba Arati and Abdulswamad Nassir and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi were named deputy part leaders.

The proposed changes were announced by the ODM Central Management Committee on August 9 following the appointments of Johh Mbadi, Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya and Opiyo Wandayi to the cabinet.