Editor's Review

"You give your competitor your 'best talent' to assist the company to stay afloat, but you shall continue competing in the same market to get clients."

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir has faced backlash after he claimed that the ODM party has not joined the government. 

In a statement on Saturday, August 17, Nassir asserted that the Raila Odinga-led party had only 'donated' talent to the government to assist the president in stabilising the economy.

The county boss added that the ODM party will continue to call out the government for what is wrong.

"The Orange Party is the single best hope for the people of Kenya to check government  excesses. We have not joined the Kenya Kwanza regime; we have simply donated talent to assist the president to stabilize the economy of our country. But we will continue to call out what is wrong and support what is right without fear or favor," Nassir remarked.

However, his remarks did not go down well with a section of Kenyans online who were quick to call out the county boss.

Governor  Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir in Oyugis, Homa Bay County.

A section of netizens told off Nassir, maintaining that the ODM party was in government even as they accused the party of double standards.

Some netizens wondered how the party could have one foot in government and the other in opposition, adding that some of its MPs had already vowed not to criticise the government.

Here are some of the reactions captured by Nairobileo.co.ke on the X platform.