Editor's Review

Anti-corruption Magistrate Eunice Kagure Nyutu issued the orders on Monday morning.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has been ordered to arrest four senior government officers in connection to the Sh63 billion Arror and Kimwarer dams case against former Treasury CS Henry Rotich.

The four failed to appear in court where they were required to testify.

The four to be arrested are Cecilia Kaluka, an official at the office of the auditor general, Boniface Mamboleo, a Nema employee, Matungu Mwai Wanjohi (public servant) and Samuel Kimutai (public servant).

Anti-corruption Magistrate Eunice Kagure Nyutu issued the orders on Monday morning.

Nyutu lamented over the delay tactics that were being deployed in the case and directed the four to be arrested and be presented in court.

She declined to grant an application for adjournment in the case.

Former Treasury CS Henry Rotich. The four were to testify against the CS.

"I find the reasons given by the prosecution seeking to take out the hearing dates for this week pending the post-vetting of the incoming DPP is not justifiable," Magistrate Nyutu said.

"This court cannot be held hostage through unverifiable instructions given to the prosecutor by word of mouth and therefore the application for adjourned is denied."

Magistrate Nyutu last week ordered the arrest of Former CS Peter Munya after he failed to appear in court for the same case.

The ex-CS however appeared in court but the prosecution failed to cross-examine him.

Magistrate Nyutu has been raising concerns over the slow pace of the case with the prosecution fingered for not performing its mandate.