Editor's Review

Raila On November 29,  endorsed the NADCO recommendations describing the report as a good start.

Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua has called on Kenyans to reject the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report saying it is a fraud. 

Addressing the press, Karua observed that the report failed to address the issue of the cost of living. 

“The NADCO report has nothing to alleviate the suffering of citizens but it offers goodies to the leadership. This is totally unacceptable, it is a fraud upon Kenyans and it should be frowned upon and rejected. It is a distracting national smokescreen,” said Karua.

The Azimio co-principal claimed that Kenya Kwanza came up with the bipartisan talks as a way of buying time.

“We are aware that some of our partners may see some good in it but the findings confirm that the committee by the unwilling that is Kenya Kwanza and was intended to buy time,” she stated.

File image of Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua. 

Karua further said Azimio is a democratic coalition that gives room for divergent views and the Narc Kenya party presents its views unapologetically. 

On November 29, Azimio leader Raila Odinga endorsed the NADCO recommendations describing the report as a good start.

The former Prime Minister pointed out that the opposition was able to get positive results from many issues they had set out.

"This includes electoral justice which encapsulates audit of the 2022 elections, restructuring of the IEBC, increasing the timelines of the Supreme Court to hear and determine a presidential petition from 14 to 21 days, and commitment to multiple party democracy," Raila stated.

However, the opposition chief pointed out that the report was incomplete as it failed to address the high cost of living.