Editor's Review

Kenyans expressed their pessimism after learning of the many tax measures in the finance bill.

Busia senator Okiya Omtatah has asked Kenyans not to be defeatists but to interrogate the contents of the Finance Bill 2024.

The bill, ready for its first reading in the National Assembly, has been discussed on the Kenyan internet since Saturday.

Proposed therein are a raft of taxes which would overturn an already overtaxed citizenry.

For instance, bread, which was among the zero-rated items, will have a 16% VAT imposed on it.

Perhaps reading the pessimism of many Kenyans, the litigious Busia senator asked them to utilise the public participation forum.

Busia senator Okiya Omtatah counselled Kenyans to be optimistic and pose tough questions on the Finance Bill 2024.

He implied that it is during the engagements that their reservations on the proposals would be had and factored in during the legislation process.

"Public awareness is great, a step in creating any type of change. I encourage everyone to take a keen interest in the proposals, look at them, and propose ideas to their elected representatives," he said.

"Challenge those in charge to not only see and acknowledge the problem, but to also make legitimate changes that will address the issues. As Kenyans, we must be willing to get involved in the direction that we want the Country to take through proposing and creating solutions rather than merely highlighting problems and not be afraid to call into question the status quo," he added.

Omtatah was at the forefront challenged the Finance Act 2023 whose tax measures he argued were detrimental to Kenyans.