Editor's Review

"If you read article 5 of our treaty it says ultimately we shall create a political federation."

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni now says the ultimate goal of the East African Community (EAC) is to create one government for East Africa.

Speaking on Thursday during a joint press briefing with President William Ruto at State House Nairobi, Museveni noted that the EAC agenda is more than mere economic integration.

“We revived the East African Community because it has got an agenda which is further than mere economic integrations. If you read article 5 of our treaty it says ultimately we shall create a political federation. Therefore, for the EAC our ultimate target is to one government for East Africa,” said Museveni.

The Ugandan Head of State mentioned that while economic prosperity can be handled by economic integration, strategic security needs political integration.

“While we may handle economic prosperity with just mere economic integrations.. it will be better if we were one country. But in strategic security, you cannot handle it by merely being in an economic community, the only way you can do it is through political integration,” Museveni added.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni with President Ruto at State House Nairobi.

President Ruto on his part said the East African region would be different by now if EAC did not collapse.

The Head of State pointed out that they would consolidate EAC into one federation within a short time.

“I agree with you (Museveni) what we are trying to forge now we missed it by a whisker in 1963. if the East African Community had not collapsed then we would have a different region by now. But it is said it is never too late to do the right thing. I think we are in time,” Ruto stated.

“We may have taken 60 years but I think we are now going to get it done shortly and consolidate EAC to what we all want it to be.”