Editor's Review

The directive follows a preliminary objection filed by the defense counsel challenging the number of counts in the case. 

The High Court has directed the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Renson Ingonga to reduce the number of charges against controversial Pastor Paul Mackenzie and his co-accused over the Shakahola massacre.

In a ruling on Friday May 17, Justice Mugure Thande ordered the DPP to reduce the charges from the current 191 to only 12.

The ruling followed a preliminary objection filed by the defense counsel challenging the number of counts in the charge.

“Judge Mugure Thande ruled that the charge facing Mackenzie and his co-accused was properly drafted and the suspects were charged in accordance with the law.

“Hon. Thande stated that the charge as drawn will not occasion any prejudice to Mackenzie and his co-accused persons. However, Hon. Thande directed the prosecution to reduce the number of murder charges from the current 191 to only 12,” ODPP said in a statement.

File image of DPP Renson Ingonga. 

Justice Thande noted that decreasing the number of charges against Mackenzie and his co-accused will facilitate the quick delivery of justice to all parties while also saving valuable judicial time.

The High Court Judge also directed DPP Ingonga to amend the information containing the murder counts within 21 days and file fresh charges against them.

The court is also expected to hear an application by the prosecution to oppose the release of Mackenzie and his co-accused on bond.

Justice Thande directed parties to highlight submissions on the prosecution's application to oppose bond on 18 July 2024.

Pastor Mackenzie and his co-accused allegedly committed the offenses on an unknown date between January 2021 and September 2023 in the Shakahola area within Kilifi County. The suspects have been in police custody since April 2023.