Editor's Review

Defence CS Aden Duale and ODM leader Raila Odinga were among the guests invited. 

UK High Commissioner to Kenya Neil Wigan on Thursday, June 13, hosted the first-ever King's Birthday Party in Nairobi. 

The party was graced by prominent individuals in the country including Defence CS Aden Duale who represented and read President William Ruto's speech.   

Martin Wachira, who is the CEO and Founder of Nairobi Leo, takes a selfie with ODM leader Raila Odinga who was at the King's birthday party. 

Mr. Wigan highlighted the robust diplomatic relations and enduring friendship between the two countries, reflecting on King Charles III's visit to Kenya in 2023.  

"This is the first King’s Birthday Party in Nairobi in over 70 years. And particularly special here, after His Majesty’s State Visit to Kenya a few months ago. I am delighted that his Majesty chose Kenya for his first visit to any Commonwealth country," remarked the UK High Commissioner to Kenya. 

UK High Commissioner to Kenya Neil Wigan delivering his speech. 

Mr. Wigan added that King Charles III and Queen Camilla's visit to the country further deepened the relationship between the two countries. 

"During their visit, The King and Queen planted coral at Kuruwitu Beach, saw lions in Nairobi National Park, visited Fort Jesus, and read to children at Eastlands Library – and spoke on this stage. They met schoolchildren, artists, tech geniuses, athletes, environmentalists, soldiers and religious leaders. Our Royal Family has a famously deep relationship with Kenya; the State Visit deepened that relationship, and focused on our future together," he stated.

Raila Odinga interacts with Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata at the King's birthday party. 

Defence CS Duale delivered President Ruto's speech pointing out the strong partnership between the two countries over the years.  

"I delivered the President's address, emphasizing our historical partnership in defence, governance, economy, and culture, and led a toast to King Charles III's health and stronger Kenya-UK relations," Duale said via the X platform.

Nairobi Women Rep Esther Muthoni Passaris poses for a photo. 

Prominent figures graced the birthday party including Raila Odinga, Governors Irung'u Kangata, Paul Otuoma, and Passaris.  

Principal Secretary (PS) for Public Health Mary Muthoni poses for a photo. 
Guests at the party 

Guests at the party