Editor's Review

The MCA was allegedly abducted by police officers on Sunday morning. 

The Wiper Party has written to Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome demanding the release of Makueni County nominated MCA Assembly Abanas Wambua.

In the letter on Monday, July 8, the Wiper party claimed that the nominated MCA was abducted by police officers on Saturday morning and forced into a vehicle that headed towards Mombasa County.

The Kalonzo Musyoka-led party noted that Wambua’s abduction has caused distress among his family, coworkers, and friends.

“Hon. Abanas Wambua, alias Councillor Kana, the Nominated Member of the County Assembly (MCA) - Makindu Ward, was abducted by police personnel in Makindu on Saturday morning and forced into a car that sped away towards Mombasa County. Hon Wambua's whereabouts have been unclear for the past 48 hours, causing distress among his family, coworkers, and friends,” read the letter in part.

The Azimio affiliated party condemned Wambua’s abduction saying it was a gross violation of human rights and equivalent to arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearance as prohibited under Article 29 of the Constitution.

File image of Wiper leader Kalonzo musyoka. 

“We demand that Hon. Wambua be released immediately and returned to his family in Makindu, Makueni County. We also demand that the government immediately end these illegal actions and release all others who have been arbitrarily arrested,” Wiper added.

The party further warned IG Koome against all forms of arbitrary arrest and detention of members of the public by security agencies.

Wiper said they would hold the Police IG responsible for any harm that has occurred on the nominated MCA.

“We shall hold you personally responsible for everything and any harm that has occurred to Hon. Wambua,” Wiper stated.