Editor's Review

Part of the church's faithful was locked out of the church compound, peeping through the gate.

Routine service at the PCEA Kiamwathi Church in Nyeri was disrupted on Sunday, August 18, as part of the faithful gathered to protest the dismissal of the resident cleric.

The protesting section, mainly comprising Gen Z youth, condemned the unceremonious departure of one Reverend Lucy, who had reportedly been sent out.

The reasons behind her dismissal were yet to be established at the time of this publication.

They carried placards speaking to their resolve of not allowing any service until the minister is reinstated.

"We are not cooling down until our Reverend Lucy comes back," read one of the notes.

"#YouthOccupyChurch...We need to clean our church. No reverend, no peace, no church," another one read.

The church service at PCEA Kiamwathi in Nyeri was disrupted as a section of the faithful protested the dismissal of a resident reverend.

A section of the church's faithful was locked out of the precincts getting to peep through the gate.

It took the intervention of other members of the church's top brass to calm the situation.

Police were also contacted and showed up at the church to quell any potential skirmishes.