Editor's Review

Nairobi traffic commander Joshua Omukuta has confirmed that Sergeant Mustapha Lolo was killed after the matatu lost control near the CITAM church.

A traffic officer died on the spot after he was hit by a speeding matatu along Valley Road, Nairobi.

Nairobi traffic commander Joshua Omukuta has confirmed that Sergeant Mustapha Lolo was killed after the matatu lost control near the CITAM church.

The tragedy caused a huge traffic snarl along Valley Road as passer-bys gathered at the scene of the tragedy.

In a related incident, the tragedy comes hours after two Bodaboda operators were killed after being hit by a man believed to be associated with the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai.

{ A vehicle that was being driven by a man believed to be IG Hillary Mutyambai relative. Image: Courtesy}

The man, who is yet to be identified, is said to have been drunk during the incident.

Details about the accident, that occurred on Southern Bypass, is said to have been hidden such that no report about the tragedy was filed at Lang'ata Police Staton, which is in charge of the area where the accident happened, hours after the tragedy.

Police handling of the tragedy has raised questions among Kenyans on social media who questioned why the suspect has not been nabbed.

The vehicle is said to have remained at the scene of the tragedy for hours before it was towed to the Lang'ata Police Station.