Editor's Review

According to results announced, Barasa won in 7 constituencies out of 12.

ODM Governor candidate elections Fernandes Barasa Odinga is the Kakamega Governor-elect.

Barasa won the seat after trouncing his closest competitor Cleophas Wakhungu Malala of the ANC party.

Results announced by the County Returning officer indicates that Barasa got 192,929 votes with Malala bagging 159, 508.

Barasa was the Azimio La Umoja candidatate was heavily supported by Raila Odinga while the Kenya Kwanza Alliance backed Malala for the seat.
Fernandes Barasa takes to streets after winning governor elections. IMAGE: COURTESY

According to results announced, Barasa won in 7 constituencies out of 12.

In Matungu, Barasa got 25, 077 votes while Malala got 11,344.

Mumias East Consituency was also won by Barasa who got 14,828 votes with Malala getting 9,107 votes.

In Mumias West Constituency, 16306 voters backed fernandes while 6750 supported Malala.

Butere Constituency residents also supported Barasa overwhelingly after giving him 19,388 votes while 7853 supported Malala.

In Kwhisero 15,322 supported Barasa while 6499 backed Malala.

In Lugari 20,280 voted for Barasa while 13,331 supported the ANC candidate.
18, 197 voters supported the Azimio candidate in Likuyani while Malala got 9,018.

Malala was overwhelmingly votes for in Malava where he had 30,949 votes against Barasa's 10,112.

Navakholo constituency also supported Malala heavily since he garnered 17,185 votes against Barasa's 9967.

The ANC candidate also won in Shinyalu constituency where he go 15,974 votes against Barasa's 12,505.

Lurambi constituency was a neck and neck affair as Malala won narrowly withb19,863 voted while Barasa got 19,712 votes.

Same was replicated in Ikolomani where Barasa got 11,075 votes against Malala's 11,402.