Editor's Review

Some didn't figure out that the people of Mt Kenya region could vote for William Ruto - Mudavadi. 

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi now says that the 2022 General Election ushered in a new dawn of politics in the country. 

Speaking in Kakamega County on Saturday, May 18, Mudavadi mentioned that many people didn't imagine that former President Uhuru Kenyatta would support Raila Odinga or the people of Mt Kenya vote for President William Ruto. 

"If there is an election that went beyond ethnic and tribalism barriers where we saw configurations that had never been seen before and never been imagined was the election of 2022," remarked Mudavadi. 

He added, "Many people didn't imagine that former President Uhuru Kenyatta could support Raila Odinga in Azimio, and others didn't figure out that the people of Mt Kenya region could vote for William Ruto. These are the dynamics that brought a new dawn in Kenya's political scene." 

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi 

The PCS regretted that politics were previously determined by ethnic configurations and engagements and called for the need to rise above petty regional, tribal, and ethnic formations and build a united country. 

Mudavadi cautioned leaders against taking the country back to what he termed as 'dark days' when politics of ethnicity were commonplace. 

"Elections are still far away in 2027, but even as some leaders engage in political utterances, they should keep in mind that Kenyans have the right and freedom to vote for leaders of their choice irrespective of tribe, religion, political persuasions and coercion," he stated,  

The PCS was making reference to the recently held meeting Limuru III in Kiambu County where a section of leaders from the Mt Kenya region formed a new coalition dubbed Haki Coalition. 

The leaders who were present led by Jeremiah Kioni, and Martha Karua among others vowed to push for the "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue-sharing formula.