Editor's Review

President William Ruto has delved into the three things he wants to achieve during his tenure as the Head of State. 

President William Ruto has delved into the three things he wants to achieve during his tenure as the Head of State. 

Addressing Kenyans living in the United States of America in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, May 21, Ruto said his first mission is to unite Kenyans.   

"My number one mission is to unite our country. We went to the polls, we had a competition, and we were told that there is something called the deep state but the people of Kenya decided, since they decided, we have no option but to work together knowing that we are one people and belong to one Nation," remarked Ruto. 

The Head of State noted that despite the different formations heading to the 2022 General Election, they are now working together as leaders for the benefit of Kenyans. 

The second thing the Head of State promised to address is the cost of living which has been a burden to Kenyans. Ruto stated that the Government would invest appropriately in Agriculture. 

"We spend $500 billion to import food to Kenya and I have made the decision that we are going to invest in production. By next year, we will not be importing a grain of maize, we will move on to rice and we will make sure our dairy and horticulture have the necessary support to make sure we enhance production," Ruto stated. 

President Ruto meets the Kenyan diaspora in the US> 

The president noted that he would also invest in education and health by making sure they are accessible, relevant, and affordable to the Kenyan people.

"We are going to make sure that we deal with our health delivery mechanism. About a million Kenyans every year end up in poverty because of hospital bills," Ruto told the Kenyan diaspora. 

The third thing President Ruto wants to achieve is to create jobs saying, "We have close to 5 million Kenyans who don't have jobs." 

He noted that they would crate jobs in different sectors including Agriculture while paying more attention to the digital sector.