Editor's Review

"We want to thank you (Gachagua) for finding time to come. We had started shaking when the service started," Senator John Methu.

There was a light moment on Sunday, June 9, during the Akorinu National Prayers Conference in Nakuru County after Nyandarua senator John Methu teased that the Akorinu believers got worried about Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Taking to the podium to give his remarks, the lawmaker said that the Akurino believers had started getting worried when they did not see the DP at the on set of the prayers. 

Methu said that Gachagua was a great friend of the Akurino community and when they did not see him, they got jumpy.

"We want to thank you (Gachagua) for finding time to come. We had started panicking when the service started. The person we knew was nowhere to be been seen and we had agreed you would come dressed in white.

"We were looking for the DP in white clothing but we could not see you. That's why you saw the believers start clapping amid the prayers when they saw you because you have been our friend," Senator Methu remarked.

Senator John Methu shakes hands with President William Ruto in Nakuru.

The lawmaker expressed his gratitude to the DP for his continued support of the Akurinio community.

"When we were in Ol Kalou you brought us money. We are very grateful, and we thank you. Thank you for finding time to hold the Akurino community. You have even called us to your home," Methu added.

The Akurino event in Nakuru was attended by President William Ruto and Nakuru governor Susan Kihika, among other leaders.

Other notable leaders who attended the event include Public Service CS Moses Kuria, Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata, Dagoretti South MP Jihn Kiare, Embakasi North MP James Gakuya and Nakuru East MP David Gikaria.