Editor's Review

“Some are being intimidated, they are being coerced and threatened that if you call for unity you shall not have projects."

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua now claims that a section of leaders from Mt Kenya have been threatened against calling for Mt Kenya unity.

Speaking on Friday, June 21 in Ruiru, Kiambu County, Gachagua claimed the leaders have been told they will not receive development if they rally for Mt Kenya unity.

The DP also alleged that some of the Mt Kenya politicians have been warned against being seen with him.

“Some are being intimidated, they are being coerced and threatened that if you call for unity you shall not have projects and that if you are seen with the Deputy President things can be very bad,” Gachagua claimed.

The DP went on to say that his mission to unite Mt Kenya is complete. He mentioned that his aim is to ensure that Mt Kenya is respected in the Kenya Kwanza government and will be part of future governments.

“The fact that we are calling for unity is to make sure that this region is respected within this government and it will be part and parcel of many other governments to come,” said Gachagua.

File image of DP Rigathi Gachagua. 

Further DP Gachagua told former vice President Kalonzo Musyoka that his politics has changed and he is open to making friends from other regions in the country.

“Former vice president we are your friends. I have been sat down by the elders and you have seen my politics for the last one year has changed. I don’t attack anybody. The elders have told me to look for friends countrywide, you are our cousins. The Kamba and Kikuyu are the same,” Gachagua stated.

He also mentioned that he was with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in South Africa and he campaigned for his African Union Commission (AUC) bid.

Kalonzo on his part told the DP that the Azimio coalition would not allow him to be impeached from his position.

"If they try to impeach Gachagua, as Azimio we will refuse. But we can impeach both Ruto and Gachagua," said Kalonzo