Editor's Review

The popular influencer was picked up by DCI detectives on Friday.

Government's chief social media activist Dennis Itumbi says blogger Billy Simani, alias Billy The Goat, is being detained for allegedly forwarding threatening messages.

The renowned influencer was arrested on Friday, June 21, and taken to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters.

Itumbi promised to intervene and help secure the blogger's release.

"I have checked with police why Crazy Nairobian, Billy, is under arrest. I understand he sent a threatening message/s. I get hundreds of those myself, and they do not bother me. But, well, it is a crime. I am unable to intervene, though I strongly disagree. I will reach out to the complainant to see if he/she can withdraw," he said.

Billy was among the influencers mobilising anti-finance bill protests via X.

Billy The Goat (r) was arrested on Friday, June 21.

Young Kenyans took to the streets to protest the Finance Bill 2024, which they said contained punitive tax measures.

Police were deployed to the streets to repulse the demonstrators who were getting out of hand.

With the police brutality, the Azimio La Umoja leadership called for the resignation of the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome and Nairobi Regional Police Commander Adamson Bungei.

Addressing the media on Friday, June 21, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka said the senior police officers failed to protect protestors during the anti-finance bill demonstrations.

“As Azimio and on behalf of the people we demand that Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome and Nairobi Regional Commander Adamson Bungei immediately tender their resignation for failing to protect peaceful demonstrators,” said Kalonzo.

The former vice president demanded that the Director of Public Prosecutions Renson Ingonga charges Koome, Bungei, and police officers involved in the killing of Rex Masai.

“We also demand that the director of public prosecutions brings charges against Koome Bungei and their rogue officers for the murder of Rex and 75 people who were killed in the Azimio demos in 2023,” Kalonzo added.

Further Kalonzo called on security agencies to release all protestors who were arrested during the anti-finance bill protests on Thursday.

“We further demand that all protestors detained illegally by state security agencies be released immediately and unconditionally,” the Wiper leader added.

Rex Masai was allegedly shot in the leg by a police officer on Thursday evening. He was rushed to a clinic around Archives, Nairobi CBD, to receive treatment but succumbed due to the injuries.

Masai’s death sparked outrage on social media on Friday as netizens demanded justice for the fallen young man.

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) has since launched an investigation into the shooting of Masai.