Editor's Review

The KDF officers were dressed in their full gear and armed to the teeth.

Officers from the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have been deployed at the Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi in readiness for any ensuing protests.

In photos and videos seen by Nairobi Leo on Thursday, June 27, the officers were dressed in their full gear, armed to the teeth.

The KDF officers were moving around the stadium while others hung onto their trucks, holding sophisticated weapons in their hands.

KDF officers at Nyayo Stadium. IMAGE:SCREENGRAB

The move comes after Members of Parliament approved the deployment of KDF officers to support the police during the anti-finance bill protests after a gazette notice by Defence CS Aden Duale.

However, the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) filed a petition challenging the legality of the deployment of KDF officers during protests and urged the court to suspend the move.

The High Court is expected to provide a ruling on the case on Thursday, June 27.

KDF officers.

Meanwhile, in the Nairobi CBD, anti-riot police officers had been deployed heavily as the situation remained calm in the morning hours.

The roads leading to State House were blocked by the officers using road blocks and water canons.

However, in major cities like Mombasa and Kisumu, protestors had already hit the streets, while some blocked some of the roads in the cities using stones.

A KDF officer directs a military truck at Nyayo Stadium.

In Migori town, protestors were also seen on the streets. They lit bonfires on some of the roads in the town.

The protests come even after President William Ruto withdrew the Finance Bill 2024, which was the reason behind the widespread protests.