Editor's Review

Jumwa served as the Gender CS in the previous Cabinet.

Former Gender Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa faced hostility in her backyard in Kilifi after she seemed to weigh into President William Ruto's Cabinet reconstitution exercise. 

Jumwa appeared to hold no grudge against the president for his decision to remove her and others from the National Executive.

In light of the nominations done by Ruto on Friday, July 19, the former CS crossed her fingers and referenced Bible verses to perhaps manipulate the president for her possible return to the Cabinet.

She, however, played a disinterested figure, saying she would not have an issue should Ruto decide to leave her out of the government. 

Former Gender CS Aisha Jumwa.

"The president knows, and if it will delight him to see Aisha Jumwa in the Cabinet to continue, the people of Kilifi will say amen. And if he decides that Jumwa should not be in the Cabinet, we will equally say so because the Bible tells us to rejoice and be thankful in everything," she said.

Her comments did not, however, please a part of her audience.

They booed her mid-speech prompting her aides to intervene in calming them.

As earlier hinted, Ruto began the process of reconstituting his Cabinet on July 19.

He announced the first batch of his team, comprising 11 members, six of whom were recalled from the previous Cabinet.

 Kithure Kindiki returned to his Interior docket, Aden Duale back to the Defence Ministry, Alice Wahome to the Lands and Public Works Ministry, Davis Chirchir moved to the Roads and Transport Ministry, and Rebecca Miano the proposed Attorney General.

New figures nominated into the Cabinet were Debra Mlongo (Health), Julius Ogamba (Education), Andrew Karanja (Agriculture and Livestock Development), Eric Muriithi (Water) and Margaret Ndungu (ICT). 

Upon the completion of Ruto's list of nominees, the proposed Cabinet members will be vetted and approved by the National Assembly.