Editor's Review

"As ODM, we need to take back the positions that we donated to the other Azimio parties."

Homa Bay Town Member of Parliament Peter Kaluma has claimed that Azimio la Umoja coalition party needs to be dissolved.

In a statement on Wednesday, August 21, Kaluma asserted that the parties in the coalition were not in agreement and should go their own way.

The lawmaker further claimed that ODM party should take back the cabinet positions it cliched and give them to the other Azimio parties.

"We need to dissolve Azimio. We didn’t capture power as a pre-election coalition. We’re not agreed on critical issues. Let’s part ways and chart own path to power.

"As ODM, the biggest minority party, we need to take back the positions that we donated to the other Azimio parties," the MP remarked.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga and MP Peter Kaluma.

His remarks come after a section of Azimio leaders vowed to continue to work without Azimio leader Raila Odinga.

The leaders threw their weight behind Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka who they said was now their new leader.

“I can clearly say that Raila has decided to go to AU, we wish him well, we are not going to work without him,” Jubilee Party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni stated on Sunday, August 18.

However, in a response, ODM Chairperson Gladys Wanga said there is an attempt by some individuals in Azimio to have the former prime minister endorse them.

The Homa Bay Governor further noted that the orange party will not allow the use of Raila’s AU bid to make ill-intentioned remarks on Azimio matters.

“As a party, ODM will not accept any continued attempts to use Raila Odinga as a human shield, any continued attempt to arm-twist him into endorsing anybody at this stage, or any continued attempt to use him as an excuse for the failure of leadership in individual constituent parties of Azimio," Wanga remarked.