Editor's Review

"Juakali people are practical. This linkages programme is a revolution to our economy."

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has announced that the government is developing a framework of linking certified Jua Kali Sector workforce to formal employment and business financing opportunities locally and internationally.

Speaking on Tuesday September 10 during a multi-agency meeting at the Official Residence of the Deputy President in Karen, Gachagua said the framework, which is underpinned by validation of skills and expertise of Jua Kali artisans as stipulated by the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (RPLP) will provide a roadmap on assisting the workforce in the informal sector transition to the formal space for better pay and improved contribution to building a better economy.

Under the RPLP, skilled and experienced artisans apply to designated Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions for testing and awarding certificates attesting their competence in the specific area.

DP Gachagua described the linking of Kenya's informal industry with TVET colleges as a masterstroke programme.

He noted that linking artisans to job and business opportunities will spur the growth of the economy and dignify the sector.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua chairing a meeting at his office. 

"Recognition of Prior Learning policy is a great milestone in Kenya because Juakali sector carries a bulk of our population. They are drivers of the economy. The Linkage Programme and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy intend to dignify their work," said Gachagua.

The meeting was informed that the Juakali Master craftspersons will also be made assessors and some juakali worksites will become assessment centres of the persons working in informal industry.

Further, some of the Master craftspersons are expected to be converted to trainers. The exercise will be undertaken by the Informal sector transformation unit.

Gachagua elaborated that the plan is also to enhance participation of the Juakali artisans in Affordable Housing Program and the Markets construction.

"Juakali people are practical. This linkages programme is a revolution to our economy. We need to find linkages and how to certify the the people in the informal sector and place them to a project the Affordable Housing Program and Markets construction.

"This is a better way (of Government) to show it's commitment to the Recognition of Prior Learning policy," he said.