Editor's Review

 Nyaribo is accused of gross violation of the constitution and other laws, and abuse of office.

Nominated MCA Evans Matunda has tabled a notice of motion for the impeachment of Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo.

Speaking on the floor of the Nyamira County Assembly on Tuesday, September 10, Matunda accused Governor Nyaribo of gross violation of the constitution and other laws.

The Nyamira Governor is also accused of abuse of office and gross misconduct.

“I beg to give a notice of a motion to consider debate and approval of the removal of Honorable Amos Nyaribo, the Governor of Nyamira County from office by way of impeachment on the following grounds; gross violation of the constitution of Kenya and other laws and abuse of office and gross misconduct,” said Matunda.

In October 2023 Governor Nyaribo survived an impeachment motion in the Nyamira County Assembly after MCA’s push to remove from office failed to attain the required two-thirds threshold.

File image of Amos Nyaribo. 

During the voting on the impeachment motion, 16 members voted in support of it while 18 MCAs shot down the motion.

The Nyamira Governor faced 12 charges including nepotism, favoritism, illegal recruitment of staff, and failure to remit statutory dues.

Nyaribo was also accused of flagging off empty containers disguised as medical supplies and disobeying court orders.

The Nyamira Governor is also the leader of the United Progressive Alliance(UPA) party which has a majority in the Nyamira County Assembly.

During the October 2023 impeachment, the party whipped its MCAs to vote down the motion against Governor Nyaribo.