Editor's Review

Duale revealed that the new regulations will be gazetted next week.

Environment Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has announced that the government will be unveiling new rules for garbage disposal in homes and companies.

Speaking during the cleaning of Nairobi River on Thursday, October 10, the CS revealed that the new rules will include the introduction of colour coding of waste bins.

Duale expounded that the new rules will see Kenyans dispose of different wastes in different coloured bins.

As explained by the CS, the move is aimed at helping the government manage waste much better with the gazettement of the new rules expected to be done next week.
File image of a cleaning exercise of Nairobi River.
"Next week I am going to gazette the colour coding of the garbage that is found in your houses. Every homestead and facility must have different cabbage bins for different waste whether organic, dry or wet," the CS remarked.

On the other hand, he detailed that the government will also be monitoring garbage collectors who are mandated to collect waste in various estates in the city.

"NEMA has the responsibility to trace the waste from our homes to the dumping site. We will put into question those companies that are procured to dispose of garbage," Duale added.

"Private garbage collectors must tell us where they dump."

Meanwhile, he called out the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company after it was discovered that sewage lines were running in Nairobi River.

Consequently, he instructed NEMA to undertake remedies that will see the water company and other industries accused of polluting the river undertake a restoration exercise.