Editor's Review

He also blasted Parliament for having misplaced priorities given that political matters were taking precedence over important issues like the IEBC.

Supreme Court Judge Isaac Lenaola has voiced his concerns over delays in the constitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Speaking at a conference on Thursday, November 5, Lenaola wondered why the commission had not been fully constituted with less than three years to the General Election.

He questioned how prepared the IEBC would be should the delays continue to drag on.

At the same time, he acknowledged that the delays had been occasioned by a dispute raised by the Azimio la Umoja coalition.

Consequently, the Supreme Court judge sought to know why the opposition was holding the country hostage.

Former IEBC Commissioners led by Wafula Chebukati at a press conference.

"How can a country like ours stand on its feet without having an electoral commission? Elections are in 2027. This is 2024. When will this commission be prepared?" Lenaola posed.

"Why is the IEBC not being constituted? Because Azimio cannot appoint their representative to the panel. Is that something to hold a country hostage for two years?"

Meanwhile, he blasted Parliament for having misplaced priorities given that political matters were taking precedence over important issues like the IEBC.

As a result, he rallied Kenyans to use social media to push MPs and leaders to focus on important things that needed to be fixed.

"I do not understand why we are busy passing legislation for other issues that are politically important but we do not look at what is extremely important for this country," he opined.

"Why don't we use social media to impact legislation? Why don't we have a hashtag on appoint IEBC now and spread it? Those who have the opportunity will actually follow it and they will do something."