Editor's Review

The product samples did not comply with the specifications for the freedom from holes."

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has issued a public alert recalling a batch of Sure condoms.

In a statement on Wednesday, December 11, the board said the affected batch has been deemed substandard after failing to meet essential quality standards.  

"The Pharmacy and Poisons Board ("the Board") draws public attention to the recall of the substandard sure lubricated condoms dotted, Batch No. 2405055, Manufactured by Indus Medicare Private Limited. The product samples did not comply with the specifications for the freedom from holes (conductivity) test performed," the statement read in part.

As a precautionary measure, the board has instructed medical personnel and the general public to stop its distribution, sale, and usage immediately.

"In light of this, the Board advises all pharmaceutical outlets, healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals, and members of the public to immediately quarantine the product and STOP the further distribution, sale, issuance, or use of the affected product batch and return the product to their nearest healthcare facility or respective suppliers," the statement further read.

Meanwhile, earlier in the day, the agency issued an advisory over the sale and use of two drugs; Floracil 1000 (Fluorouracil 1000mg/2ml) injection which is manufactured by Bruck Pharma PVT LTD, India.

According to the government institution, the medicine used for the treatment of cancer was unregistered and substandard.

"In light of this, the Board strongly cautions the public and healthcare professionals against the trade, distribution, wholesale, retail, issuance, dispensing, use, or administration to patients of this product.

"Further, in collaboration with Government Investigative Agencies, the Board will take legal and regulatory action against any individuals involved in placing this unregistered product in the market, in violation of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act (CAP 244)," the statement read in part.