Drama ensued on Thursday, January 2, after angry residents stormed Chemase Police Post in Nandi County and killed a murder suspect who was being held at the facility.
Confirming the incident, Tinderet Police Commander Johnson Mwariga disclosed that the suspect, Victor Kimutai, 30, had confessed to the brutal murder of a 38-year-old man.
Mwariga further revealed that the suspect had led officers to a site where he had concealed the dismembered body of the victim.
The incident sparked outrage among over 3,000 locals, who overpowered police officers, broke into the cells and flushed out the suspect.
The angry mob then stoned the suspect to death before setting his body on fire. The residents also destroyed the police post and burnt one police vehicle.
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"After rescuing the suspect, they stoned him to death and burned his dead body. They then dispersed in different directions,” read part of a police report.
Following the incident, National Police Service (NPS) Spokesperson Dr. Resila Onyango condemned the act and urged the public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands.
She urged the members of the public to cooperate with the law enforcement officers in enhancing security.
“Following the attack at the Chemase Police Post, we are appealing to the members of public to refrain from taking the law in their hands and let the law take its cause," Onyango remarked.