Editor's Review

Ahmednassir Abdullahi says a good section of the CSs is not equal to the task.

Lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi now claims a good chunk of President William Ruto's Cabinet Secretaries are unqualified for the posts they hold.

The members of the Cabinet took over theirs posts on October 27, 2022. Four months into their swearing-in, Ahmednassir argues there is little to be written home.

Whilst he admits that four months aren't enough to gauge the CSs performance, the lawyer says much cannot be expected from them.

"27th Oct 2022 is the day H. E Ruto's cabinet was sworn in...4 months is too short a period to evaluate a cabinet secretary... but spying on the notes and score card H.E Ruto is taking must be fascinating. For me, a number are not even qualified to look after my camel in Bangal," he said on Twitter.

Lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi.

While making up his government, the president fired all the CSs who had served under his successor Uhuru Kenyatta.

Earlier this year, the president read a riot act to the CSs and other state operatives whom he warned against laxity.

He cautioned the attentive Cabinet and Principal Secretaries against making irresponsible decisions that would negatively impact the good of the citizenry.

"Before you sign off any contract, have the best interest of Kenyans in mind, the people who have no ties or shoes, those are your bosses," said the president.

He also called on the CSs to ensure Kenyans accessed government services faster by eliminating bureaucracy.

“If you have a pile-up of files on your desk, something is wrong with you. We must be defined by results and not bureaucracy. It is not necessary to write a letter if a call is sufficient. It is not necessary to call where an SMS is sufficient," he said