Editor's Review

The Ministry of Health also ordered the seizing of all existing stock of the flour in the market for disposal.

The Ministry of Health had ordered the recall of Sherehe GSM maize flour after laboratory tests revealed that it was fit for human consumption. 

In a letter dated May 6, which was addressed to all County Public Health Officers, acting Director General for Health Dr. Patrick Amoth said that the maize flour had high levels of aflatoxin, which were above the required standards.

"Laboratory analysis on April 30 of Sherehe GSM maize flour with no batch number has shown that the flour contains a high level of aflatoxin above the requirements of 10.0 ppb. The level records 714ppb," Dr. Amoth stated in the letter.

Consequently, the Ministry of Health ordered the seizing of all existing stock of the flour in the market for disposal.

File image of a supermarket.

"In  order to safeguard the health of the consumers, you are required to seize all existing stock in the market of the said brand for disposal. You are advised to scale up surveillance of all food products in the market," Dr. Amoth added.

The acting Director General for Health further directed Nairobi County officers to carry out an inspection of the mill and immediately stop the milling of the maize flour and its distribution.

 While carrying out the exercise, Dr. Amoth asked the county officers to observe the legal provisions as stipulated in the Food Drugs and Chemical Substances Act Cap 254 and the Public Health Cap 242 LOK.