Editor's Review

"There are people who are sponsoring Limuru 3, I know somebody who has put Ksh10 million," CS Kuria. 

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria on Thursday, May 16, sensationally claimed that he knew someone who had sponsored the Limiru III meeting with Sh10 million.  

In an interview, CS Kuria even urged those planning to attend the meeting not to go home hungry since there was money. 

"There are people who are sponsoring Limuru 3, I know somebody who has put 10 million on it. I want to tell people who are attending Limuru 3, please don’t go home hungry, pesa iko," remarked Kuria. 

He disclosed that he had planned to attend the meeting but claimed one of the conveners Jeremiah Kioni had publicly and privately told him he was not welcome.  

"Dear good people of Mt Kenya region. Limuru 3 is officially off. I will consult community professionals, business people, political leaders, cultural leaders, and elders and announce a new date for a meaningful meeting," Kuria stated via X. 

The Limuru 3 meeting has ignited debate in the country with a section of Mt Kenya leaders led by Kioni, Martha Karua, and Ndiritu Murithi backing the meeting.  

Jeremaih Kioni with Azimio leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka. 

The leaders say there is a need to address the issues affecting the Mt Kenya region especially the new Finance Bill 2024. 

However, a section of leaders in Government have dismissed the meeting arguing that it's time to work and not politics. 

"Those going around saying sijui Limuru Three, Limuru Two, we want to tell them that at this time, we are working,” Governor Waiguru said in reference to the meeting happening today. 

In a press briefing on Wednesday, Kioni claimed that the voice of Mount Kenya had been lost and that the Limuru III meeting was the beginning of their revolution against the Kenya Kwanza government.

"We are starting our revolution on Friday and it is part of our home-grown solutions to the high cost of living," Kioni remarked.

Former Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi on his part said that they had begun issuing accreditation to the attendees claiming that some people had already started inviting themselves to the meeting.