Editor's Review

The deputy president had been a no-show in the latest crucial events officiated by President William Ruto.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is among the congregants attending this Sunday's service at the Sacred Heart Endarasha Catholic Church in Kieni Constituency, Nyeri County. 

The country's second in command was slated to attend the Holy Mass and later preside over a fundraiser at the church.

Gachagua arrived at the church moments past 10:00 o'clock in the morning.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was slated to preside over a fundraiser in Kieni.

The deputy president's presence at the church seems unique, given the many instances he has attended church functions across the country.

His presence at the Endarasha church came at a time when queries flew from across quarters over his whereabouts.

In an unforeseen turn of events, and this being unlikely of him, the deputy president became a no-show in crucial events presided over by President William Ruto.

For instance, Gachagua was absent when the president led the members of his Cabinet in the nationwide tree-planting exercise on May 10.

Later, he could not be spotted at State House, Nairobi, where Ruto and the Cabinet members hosted visiting Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.

Throughout the period, Gachagua's official social media accounts remained un-updated.

Observant quarters deduced that all was not well at the presidency owing to the foregoing scenarios.

Gachagua's presence at the Endarasha came a time questions abounded over his absence from the public.

But addressing the public in Trans Nzoia on Saturday, May 18, South Mugirango MP and Majority whip in the National Assembly Silvanus Osoro dismissed the assertion that Ruto and Gachagua were not seeing eye-to-eye.

He said the deputy president had taken some time off his busy schedule.

"I saw people raising issues with the deputy president's absence from the political scene. He can also relax. I think he has worked for some time and has now taken a week's break. Let him relax. I hear he will be in Nyeri let him speak by himself," said Osoro.