Editor's Review

"We encourage continuous engagement with our development partners," Gachagua. 

The Government and Development Partners have agreed to form a taskforce to look into hastening the absorption of donor funds allocated to various programmes across the country.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Tuesday, June 4, said the formation of the taskforce is part of steps being taken to enhance the Government's collaboration with the Development Partners and accelerate socio-economic growth.

"We encourage continuous engagement with our development partners. President Ruto's administration modus operandi is continuous engagement with our partners and so far it has worked very well for us. We have removed the bottlenecks that frustrated our engagement. The President has spelt out the need to lessen bureaucracy and red tape so that we can make progress in our partnership," remarked Gachagua. 

The taskforce will also work on enhancing the country’s resilience against negative effects of Climate Change and other challenges hampering the nation's social-economic growth.

The Deputy President spoke when he hosted the Second Development Partnership Forum at the Official Residence in Karen, Nairobi.

DP Gachagua hosts the Second Development Partnership Forum at the Official Residence in Karen, Nairobi.

The meeting was attended by the Co-chairs of the Development Partnership Forum Sebastian Groth (German Ambassador to Kenya) and Dr Stephen Jackson (UN Resident Coordinator) were also present, Head of Public Service Felix Koskei, Cabinet Secretaries, Ambassadors and Heads of Missions, top Government officials and representative of various agencies.

"We recognise that improving absorption rates of funds requires addressing challenges on both sides in project implementation, and ensuring timely disbursement and utilization of funds," said Gachagua. 

The taskforce, comprising government and development partner representatives, will be mandated to work on and address challenges such as absorption funds and grants.