Editor's Review

The deputy president blamed a section of President Ruto's cronies for looking down on him and his spouse.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has recalled the humiliation his wife endured when President William Ruto picked his running mate before the 2022 vote.

Speaking in Kirinyaga on Saturday, June 15, Gachagua explained that the president was torn for choices before he settled on him.

He said the politics around the running mate choice was to hot that his wife felt it.

There was a group that was opposed to him being picked as Ruto's running mate, doing everything possible to dim his chances.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Gachagua revealed that Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, who had shown up at Ruto's residence in Karen at the time, was sent away unceremoniously.

"Ruto had many choices, and there was a small group that argued if I would be selected,l Ruto would lose the election. They went ahead campaigning against me before the president; they even chased away my wife, Pastor Dorcas," he said.

Despite the humiliation, the deputy president was glad that the president picked him to mobilise the Mt Kenya vote for him.

Even with him at the presidency, he revealed an unhappy lot that still fights him to date, adding that his naysayers had formed WhatsApp groups to plot against him with propaganda.

"The president applied his mind as a very seasoned politician and came to the conclusion that the person who looked capable of helping him mobilise the vote was Rigathi Gachagua, and he decided I was the person to assist him manage the affairs of the country. They have never moved on," he said.