Editor's Review

President William Ruto has dismissed all Cabinet Secretaries from the government. 

President William Ruto has dismissed all Cabinet Secretaries and Attorney General Justin Muturi from the government. 

Speaking on Friday, July 11 at State House, President Ruto said only Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi will remain in government.  

“I have today in line with the powers given to me by article 152 (1) and 152 (5b) of the constitution and section 12 of the office of the Attorney General’s act decided to dismiss with immediate effect all the Cabinet Secretaries and the Attorney General of the cabinet of Kenya except the Prime Secretary and Secretary for Foreign Affairs and the office of the Deputy President is not effected in any way,” said Ruto.

The Head of State went on to say he would be engaging in extensive consolations across different sectors and political formations to set up a new and broad-based government.

File image of President William Ruto chairing a cabinet meeting. 

Ruto mentioned that the new government will aim at assisting him in accelerating and expediting the implementation of the Kenya Kwanza government program including other radical measures and programs to deal with the burden of debt, raising revenue, job opportunities, eliminating wastage and unnecessary duplication of government agencies and dealing with corruption.

Meanwhile, the Head of State pointed out that the operations of government will continue uninterrupted under Principal Secretaries.

“During this process, the operations of government will continue uninterrupted under the guidance of principal secretaries and other relevant officials,” Ruto added.

Further, President Ruto said he would announce additional measures and steps.

Below is the full list of Cabinet Secretaries who have been sacked. 

1. Ministry of Interior - Prof. Abraham Kithure Kindiki

2. Ministry of National Treasury - Njuguna Ndung'u

3. Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry- Rebecca Miano

4. Ministry of Health- Susan Nakhumicha 

5. Ministry of Lands- Alice Wahome

6. Ministry of Defence - Aden Duale

7. Ministry of Water - Zachariah Mwangi Njeru

8. Ministry of Trade - Rebecca Miano

9. Ministry of East Africa Community -  Peninah Malonza

10. Ministry Roads and Public Works - Kipchumba Murkomen

11. Ministry of Environment - Soipan Tuya

12. Ministry of Tourism - Alfred Mutua

13. Ministry of Agriculture - Mithika Linturi

14. Ministry of ICT - Eliud Owalo

15. Ministry of Education - Ezekiel Machogu

16. Ministry of Energy - Davis Chirchir

17. Ministry of Sports - Ababu Namwamba

18. Ministry of Cooperatives - Simon Chelugui

19. Ministry of Mining - Salim Mvurya

20. Ministry of Labour - Florence Bore

21. Ministry of Public Service- Moses Kuria