Editor's Review

The governor was accused of frustrating the change of leadership within the assembly.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has cautioned the ODM party against meddling in the affairs of the county assembly. 

Speaking during a forum on Monday, September 16, the county boss opposed the change of leadership that had been approved by the party. 

He insisted that the assembly was an independent body and needed to be respected owing to the rules and Standing Orders that govern its operations. 

The governor made the remarks after he was summoned by the party for frustrating the replacement of the majority leader.

File image of Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa.

"The only majority leader we have in the county is none other than CPA Phillip Ondego Maina. There is someone who is saying that he is the majority leader. Where were you chosen?" he posed.

"You cannot be selected at a funeral and claim that you are the leader. I want to ask the leadership of ODM not to be soaked in the politics of Kakamega."

ODM's top leadership approved the summoning of Barasa during a meeting that was chaired by its party leader Raila Odinga last week.

In the statement that was issued by the party, the governor was accused of frustrating the change of leadership within the assembly.

The opposition party is yet to issue the date when the governor is expected to appear before the top leadership.

"The state of affairs in Kakamega County Assembly has now become unacceptable. The Party via official communication designated Hon. Geoffrey Ondiro as the majority leader," read the statement in part.

"This directive has however been repeatedly frustrated by individuals led by the County Governor, the Speaker and the former leader of the Majority Hon Maina. The Committee has therefore resolved to summon the three to appear before it at a date to be communicated."