Editor's Review

Deputy President William Ruto has held a follow up meeting with Mount Kenya leaders and economist David Ndii.

Deputy President William Ruto today, May 8, 2021, held a meeting three law makers from all the 11 Mount Kenya counties and a team led by economist David Ndii at his Karen residence in Nairobi.

The meeting comes days after they held a series of meetings during  three-day retreat at the Maasai Mara.

Mt Kenya legislators allied to the DP initiated the negotiations to bargain for the political and economic benefits of an alliance with the DP to the region.

Ndii's team presented an economic recovery and development plan for the country to DP Ruto.

"We are taking a collaborative effort to re-engineer our economic approach to one that promotes enterprise and fosters the empowerment of ordinary Kenyans.

"Through the ongoing consultations covering all regions and all sectors of the economy, we anticipate the generation of more jobs and expanded opportunities for those in the lower cadre will rid our country of poverty," DP Ruto stated.

He proceeded to announce that a series of other more targeted and inclusive sessions with hustler representatives, MCAs, religious and business leaders will follow as the country opens up.

Leaders present at the meeting with the DP included Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika, Meru Senator Mithika Linturi, Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria, Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua, Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung'wa, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Kandara MP Alice Wahome among others. Ndii was also present.

The Mt Kenya MPs during meetings held at Gachagua's Karen home, selected an 11 member committee to negotiate with the DP on behalf of the region.

Ichung'wa then stated that the DP was their preferred presidential candidate come the 2022 general election.

Pressure is also piling on the DP as he looks to forge a formidable team in the race to replace President Uhuru Kenyatta.