Editor's Review

  • The Council of Govers want President Uhuru Kenyatta to revise curfew hours 
  • Governors want health care workers to get more allowance
  • The situation at county hospitals is worrying, according to CoG

The Council of Governors want President Uhuru Kenyatta to revise curfew hours from 11 pm-4 am to 9 pm-4 am.

On Wednesday the governors were meeting with Kenyatta to review containment measures following the sharp increase of Covid-19 infections in the country.

Governors declared the beginning of a campaign to fight coronavirus dubbed "No Mask No Service".

The Council of Governors Chair Wycliffe Oparanya told President Kenyatta that the campaign is aimed at ensuring people follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

Governor Oparaya stated that any worker found rendering services to a person not observing the protocols will be found liable.

"There has been laxity in enforcement of the existing protocols, especially in public transport. The political class has also become super-spreaders of the virus due to political meetings," Oparanya said.

He further urged his fellow county bosses to motivate health care workers and proposed adding them a three-month allowance.

The Council of Governors admitted that Covid-19 is 'out of control' and counties are unable to transfer patients county to county.