Editor's Review

NTSA has suspended operations of the transport company to allow for investigations.

Modern Coast transport services have been halted following a road accident that killed 34 at Nithi River, Tharaka Nithi county.

The Director General of the National Transport and Safety Authority George Njao in a press statement said 31 vehicles belonging to the authority will stop operating.

"Following a fatal road traffic crash that occured on Sunday 24 July 2022 at the Nithi Bridge, Tharaka Nithi county that has since claimed the the lives of 34 passengers, the Authority hereby halts the operations of Modern Coast Express Limited," Njao stated.

It is not clear how long the suspension will last.

{The wreckage of the bus that was involved in the accident.IMAGE: COURTESY}

This is to allow for investigations that have commenced on the suitablility of its vehicles to operate.

The suspension will affect seven routes the transport company has been serving.

"A thorough multi-agency investigation into the crash and an evaluation of the operator's safety operational standards is currently underway," Njao added.

The routes include, Nairobi-Mombasa, Mombasa-Mtwapa-Kilifi-Malindi-Witu-Mpeketoni-Lamu, Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu-Kakamega-Busia, Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu-Eldoret-Malaba, Nairobi-Narok-Kisii-Homa Bay- Migori-Isibania, Mombasa-Makindu-Wote-Kitui-Machakos and Nairobi-Thika-Embu-Meru-Maua.

The Modern Coast accident that plunged into river Nithi was on its way to Mombasa from Meru.

The cause of the accident is yet to be established. 9 people are being treated with serious injuries.