Kenya Methodist University has issued fresh regulations to students regarding dress codes.
In a notice by the Dean of Students Esther Mbaabu, the university has banned male and female students from specific dress codes they deem unfit for their students.
The memo indicates that male students who will also show up at the university with plaited hair, and earrings will not be allowed.
Other things banned for males are dreadlocks, untucked shirts, and vests that show bare chests.

The notice also directed that hats/caps will be considered as having dressed inappropriately.
For the females, tumbo cuts exposing the belly and naval will not be allowed.
Bare backs exposing the back will not also be allowed for the female gender. Miniskirts that are above the knee line are also banned. A skirt whose slit is above the knee line is equally prohibited.
Other bans are dresses and blouses with necklines running down more than four inches. Body-tight trousers and see-through clothes are also among the banned.